Commerzbank Opening Guide
Short: Opening your joint account
Step by step: Opening your bank account
Anrede: Select your sex here (Frau=Female / Herr=Male)
Titel: Academic Title (Dr. / Dr.Dr. / Dr.h.c.), this is optional
Vorname(n): Enter your first name(s) here as stated on your ID/passport
Nachname: Enter your last name as stated on your ID/passport
Geburtsname: Enter your maiden name as stated on your ID/passport (if applicable)
Geburtsdatum: Enter your date of birth (Format: DD.MM.YYYY)
Geburtsort: Enter your place of birth as stated on your ID/passport
Geburtsland: Select your country of birth
Staatsangehörigkeit: Select your citizenship
The address has to be the one that is on your ID/proof of residence – the place where you are registered in Germany.
Postleitzahl: Enter your postcode
Wohnort: Enter your city
Straße: Enter your street name
Hausnummer: Enter your house number
Wohnhaft seit: Enter the date since when you are resident at the respective address
Steuer-ID: Enter your German tax number (tax identification number – 11-digits). If you do not have one yet, leave blank.
Weitere steuerliche Ansässigkeit: If you are a tax resident in Germany only leave blank. If you are also a tax resident in other countries please tick the box and select the country and your tax ID in that country
Beruf: Select your occupation:
- Angestellte/Angestellter: employee
- Arbeiter und (nichtselbständige) Handwerker: worker
- Auszubildende/Auszubildender: apprentice
- Beamte und Behördenangestellte: civil servant
- Hausfrau/Hausmann: housewife/househusband
- Ohne Berufsangabe: not specified
- Rentner und Pensionäre: retirees and pensioners (retired civil servants)
- Schülerin/Schüler: school student
- Studentin/Student: university student
- wirtschaftlich selbstständiger Handwerker: economically independent craftsman
- wirtschaftlich selbstständige Privatperson: economically independent private individual
Mobilfunknummer: Enter your mobile number
E-Mail(+confirmation): Enter your e-mail address here
Benutzername: Choose a login name for the online banking (minimum eight characters)
Wunsch-PIN: Choose a five to eight digit PIN (only letters and numbers possible)
Geldeingänge pro Monat: Enter your current net income per month in EUR. Make sure to enter the total sum of your monthly net income (i.e. salary, income from rental, side job, etc.)
Bargeld-Transaktionen pro Monat: How many cash transactions do you expect to have per month in EUR. This comprises for example cash withdrawals or checks.
Ich tätige / erhalte regelmäßig Überweisungen ins / aus dem Ausland: Please specify here if you will have regular transactions from/to abroad (e.g. money transfers to your family abroad). Please also specify the countries involved.
Credit Card: Select here if you want to order an additional Mastercard Debit for 3.50 EUR/month. This is optional. By default the Commerzbank account comes with a Girocard debit card.
Securities Account: Select here if you want to open a securities account (e.g. for trading stocks). This is optional.
Email Communication: By ticking this box you agree to receive the details of your account opening by e-mail
By ticking this box you agree to open your Commerzbank account for yourself and not for another person.
You agree to have received the information about the deposit protection
You confirm to have read the information about the scope of the deposit protection
By ticking this box you allow Commerzbank to use your personal data for financial advisory services.
By ticking this box you allow Commerzbank to submit your personal data to other companies for financial advisory services.
Confirm your entries
Check on the next page if the data you have entered is correct and click on:
After this you can Download (Antrag herunterladen) or receive all documents by email (Antrag per E-Mail senden)
In the next step you can choose which process you want to use to prove your identity: